Must Have Baby Stuff…

A good friend of mine is expecting and asked what my favorites items, must have, couldn’t live without. Here’s my list:
Chicco Key Fit infant seat, Chicco pack n play/ play yard. Fisher Price Little Lamb Swing, City Mini Elite Stroller, Sleep Sheep, glider, Baby Einstein gym mat, Baby Einstein jumper, Stokke high chair…

Advent bottles, Mam passy, Aden & Anais swaddle blankets they come in four pack, Pamper sensitive wipes, Seven Generations Diapers, nose sucker, ear thermometer, Gas Drops, Burt’s Bee Baby wash & lotion, Dreft…

Fire Trucks!

Little dude could not have been happier today! We went to the local Fire Station with a group of friends! It was perfect cool weather for it too.

The fire fighters were so patient and kind. They gave us a tour of the Fire Station and showed us the fire trucks. The kids were allowed to climb in and all over the fire trucks and mommy’s & daddy’s could take pictures. They had a blast! The fire fighters said we were welcome back at anytime and that it is easier not in a group because they can pull out some of the equipment to show the kids. Definitely on our outing list to do again! My Little Dude loved it as well as the other boys’ and girls’ in the group! Check out your local fire station!




Thank You Honey is so excited to announce that we were nominated for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award by a fellow blogger Miss Marzipan (((Hugs))).  We are so grateful and feel so touched to be recognized.  Thank You Honey is new to WordPress and we’ve  just started this past October 2012.  Thank you so much for reading our posts & following our blog!!!

Thank You Honey is truly thankful.  So excited and humbled that readers care what I have to say and enjoy my posts as much as I do.  My journey into Mommyhood has been a fantastic one and I am grateful everyday for the time I have to share with my Little Dude.  My intentions in all this is to share some fun things, crafts, tips, recipes, and whatever else to other readers to make their journey as exciting and blessed as my is…


Elf, Elf, Elf…

Our Santa’s Elf show up sometime last night! Little dude woke up and there was an Elf, a letter from Santa and 2 little things to open under our tree! Our family’s tradition is to put up our Christmas Tree on Thanksgiving. I think it is a great way to pass time while things are cooking & while watching the game! Then on Black Friday we put some of the finishing touches up around the house. We are not big Black Friday shoppers except for online.

Little Dude opened one gift right away! It was a book! The Elf on a Shelf and the other was opened at night a Santa key! The excitement in our home is unbelievable! Little dude thought putting the tree up was exciting an now one of Santa’s Elf’s here with us!!! Wow!! This year is going to be exciting!!


Happy Thanksgiving From Thank You Honey!!!

Happy Thanksgiving From Thank You Honey!!!


Today's been an amazing day so far and we haven't even had our Thanksgiving dinner yet!!! We have so much to be thank for this year! I'm so grateful for my readers and fellow bloggers!

Turkey Hats…

Colored construction paper

Trace your kiddos hands on different color construction paper and cut it out
Cut a brown piece of construction paper in half and staple ends then the other ends (measure it to make sure it fits your kiddos head), use another piece to cut an oval to use for the turkey's head.
Use the stapler to attach the turkey's head to the band, and attach the hands to the back to look like the feathers
And tada your Turkey Hat is done…


Hand & Foot Print Turkey's

You just need different color paint
Dip your child's foot in brown paint and press onto paper
Then dip hands in different color paint to make the feathers!!



Easy and fun to make!! A great Thanksgiving dessert.

How to make:
Sugar cones
Cake mix
Bake cake mix in sugar cones
Fill cones 2/3 full and bake 350
Cut off tip,trim top … cool … dip in chocolate and roll in sprinkles
Easy Peasy!


Thanksgiving Count Down…

Family, friends, in- laws whoever comes in town and arrive on your turf. Last minute shopping… Cooking, cooking & cooking!!!




Breakfast- Veggie Quiche

Starting on Thanksgiving prep…Stuffing & Sweet Potato Casserole.

Veggie Quiche Recipe
Ok ready! Super easy.
1 pie crust
6 eggs mixed
8 oz bag of shredded sharp cheddar
Then add in whatever meat or veggies. I add more cheese to the top. Bake 325 30min covered with foil, then uncover cook at 350 for 30 mins, check it may need more time. I keep the crust edges covered so doesn’t burn.

Yummy, Yummy, Enjoy!

Garbage Truck…

Tuesdays & Fridays morning are an extra special time for us. It is when the Garbage Truck comes. This is Little Dudes highlight for the morning. It means stopping whatever we are doing and running outside to watch them collect the trash can, dump garbage into the truck, and then press a button to make the door close and reopen trash free, and drive off. Thank you for beeping and waving. Who would have imagined the glory and excitement it would bring a 2 year- old. Thank you Garbage men and women for being the highlight of our day…

Most of all thank you for pointing out how wonderful it is to be a child and watching in amusement and anticipation your arrival. Sometimes as Mommy’s and Daddy’s I think we forget to stop and enjoy the process. We get so use to seeing things over and over that we forget to realize how fortunate we truly are. There is nothing in this world more beautiful then a child’s innocence and to watch them grow and experience the world in a different way. Slow down Mommy’s and Daddy’s and look around try to enjoy something different today…